Opening Hours

  Morning Afternoon
From Saturday to Thursday 09h00
Friday 09h00
Category Price
Children (- 6y)  Free
Children + 6y and Moroccan students 30 dhs
Moroccans, residents and foreign students 70 dhs
Foreigners(adults) 140 dhs
Visit VIP (private visit (10 pers and less.) 2200 dhs

*Group (100 pers. and more ) -50%

While visiting the Mosque we will lead you through a historical discover of the Mosquée Hassan II of Casablanca and its buildings. You can admire the traditional Moroccan arts in all its glory (paintings, plastering, wood, marble, copper).

The tour is divided in tree steps:

The mosque is a La Mosquée Hassan II is a place of place of worship,meditation and prayer. In order that the visits are going smoothly and in best conditons, please read and respect the following rules :

  • Wear clothes that cover your shoulders, chest and that are as long enough to cover until your knees. Shorts and short shirts are forbidden.
  • No smoking, eating or drinking while visiting the mosque please.
  • Remove your shoes before entering the mosque and take them with you. Bags are at your disposal at the entry of the mosque.
  • To make the life of the guides easier, please respect the hours and stay in your group while visiting.
  • Do not go beyond the chains that are around the Séguia for security reasons.
  • Do not use video cameras or any other electronic device that makes noise inside the mosque.

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Morning Afternoon
9h00 to 12h00 12h00 to 16h00
Categories Price
Children and students 5 Dhs
Moroccans and other residents 15 Dhs
Foreigners, adults 30 Dhs

*Groups of 100 pers. and more : 50% reduction of the normal prices


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